Plural Pride

Plurality: The experience of being multiple consciousnesses sharing a single brain and body.

What is this site?

The site is a curated collection of resources regarding the plural pride movement. It is not meant to be a one-stop shop for everything related to plurality; rather, it is meant to be a collection of high-quality resources selected through the editorial judgement of the site's administrators. If you have an essay or other resource that you think should be hosted here, please feel free to contact us.

The Plurality Playbook

By FreyasSpirit and Irenes, public release 2019-02-18.

This document, published inside Google in 2016, is now available to the world as a practical guide for plural systems, for their teammates, and for their managers.

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Is that the only resource on the site?

Right now, yes. Write to us if you're interested in having your work hosted here!